Let the children try to build a bridge. Determine a distance, say between two pulpets and then see which constructions they can come up with to create a firm bridge.

Materials can be:
• Toothpicks and soaked peas (carefulwith the peas, they can crack easily)
• Straw. Tape them together, or use pins.
• Paper & tape.
• Glass sticks and glue.

Materials can be:
• Toothpicks and soaked peas (carefulwith the peas, they can crack easily)
• Straw. Tape them together, or use pins.
• Paper & tape.
• Glass sticks and glue.
Please let the children do a plan first on paper hard thoughts go, or you can always try and see what ideas work and which ones do not.
Document the children’s thoughts before they begin to build, and evaluate afterwards to see how their thoughts have changed.