If you like, you can start by:
Make your own magnet
Take a magnet and stroke a needle several times (about 20 times needed) after the end of the magnet, but always in the same direction, not back and forth. Try picking up some metal with the needle / needle. Is it working? Then you have made a magnet that turns so that it has the north end towards the magnetic south pole and the south end towards the magnetic north pole.
By pulling the magnet toward the needle, many of the iron atoms in the needle rotate so that their magnetic fields begin to interact. This causes the needle to start acting like a magnet.
How strong is your magnet?
- What can it pull?
- How much can it lift?
- How many train carriages can the magnet hold simultaneously in a long chain, before the chain is broken?
- Can it make metal objects jump off the table?
- How high in that case?