Newspaper fort

Take two sheets of newspaper, lay them out flat and start rolling it from one corner. The tighter the roll the more support you’ll have. My boys aren’t tight rolling masters yet but they did pretty well for their first time!

Secure the end with a small piece of tape. An ideal amount would be around 48 but it can be enough with less. Next, you’ll be making triangles with your newspaper rolls. Tape or staple the ends together to form a triangle.

Create as many triangles as you can with your newspaper rolls. Finally, you’ll secure each triangle to each other creating whatever size structure you want!

Your structure size will depend on how many triangles you made. Just make sure you have enough for the roof which will provide the final stability for your fort.  You can secure the “joints” with some extra staples or tape to be sure it doesn’t move around too much.

The rest is up to your imagination! The structure should even be sturdy enough for a blanket on top!

The idea is taken from

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