Animaatioita Luostarivuoren koulussa

Luostarivuoren koulun 9C -luokka pääsi kokeilemaan animaatioiden tekmistä Gerry Mackenin johdolla. Tässä lopputulokset ja alla oppilaiden kommentteja animaatioprojektista:

”I have done stop motion before, but never in English. I learned some more English and I had so much fun.”

“I wish my future would have some sort of animation as my future job.”

“The animation was a fun change from the normal class and made us use English differently. It taught us how to animate, not that we are perfect now, but it showed us the basics. I would have wanted more time to plan and make the animation. It was really fun and interesting”

“It was very different from our normal English lessons. I liked the whole project”

“I thought this was a perfect school work because it wasn’t only educational it was fun. And definitely eccentric. It was interesting to learn and I realized that animation is a lot harder than I expected. You had to take so many shots to do the simplest things. I really enjoyed putting sound effects in our work and me and my pair had lots of laughs. I’d really enjoy seeing more of these kinds of projects in school more often.”