Puolalanmäki Upper Secondary School is situated in the centre of Turku and has three historical buildings in its use, two of which are shared with Puolala Junior High School. Top-modern facilities in stylishly renovated Art Nouveau buildings make an attractive environment. The school was founded in 1928 and got its current name in 1976. The music-oriented programme was established in 1988 and it is, since 2004, one of the thirteen upper secondary schools specialized in music in Finland.

The school practices are based on traditions, present-day requirements, as well as the needs of tomorrow in a modern, changing society.

Puolalanmäki Upper Secondary School is a great learning environment, thanks to the students’ activity and determination in their studies. In Puolalanmäki the students are encouraged to study – a goal which is supported by the opportunity to take optional courses in many subjects. The number of students is approximately 500, which enables us to offer a wide selection of courses.

Characteristics of Puolalanmäki

  • a wide selection of languages and international contacts
  • music
  • scientific and humanistic education
  • environmentally-conscious approach


  • a wide selection of languages: English, Russian, German, French, Spanish, and Swedish
  • active participation in international projects e.g. EU projects and projects launched by the Ministry of Education
  • co-operation with partner schools abroad, e.g. in Germany, Spain, Sweden and France, as well as trips to European countries, and vice versa, foreign visitors at our school
  • participation in international contests in different subjects
  • several courses to do with international relations


  • a variety of choirs of different size and types, both single-sex and mixed
  • a chamber orchestra and a big band
  • students’ bands
  • courses on singing and playing instruments
  • annually changing selection of courses
  • acclaimed professionals of different fields teaching individual courses
  • performance trips to various countries
  • the number of students in the music programme approximately 160