7. Monitoring

To assess the progress and effectiveness of sustainable development measures, the success and impacts of the measures must be measured. In autumn 2023, the TAI management team confirmed the introduction of sustainable development indicators.

Operating culture

  1. Sustainability plan introduced (YES/NO)
  2. Sustainable Development Coordinator appointed (YES/NO)
  3. Sustainable Development Team appointed (YES/NO)
  4. Sustainable development indicators selected and introduced (YES/NO)
  5. Human resources used to promote sustainable development (person-years/year)

Teaching and students

  1. Competency promises have been determined (% of qualifications)
  2. Number of sustainable development tutors (persons/year)
  3. Sustainable development teaching materials selected and introduced (YES/NO)

Competency of the staff

  1. Training path described (YES/NO)
  2. The staff have completed online training (% of staff)
  3. Sustainability training is included in the induction process (YES/NO)
  4. Workplace instructors inducted into sustainability themes (% of inductions)
  5. Number of those who have completed environmental educator training (persons/year)


  1. Number of partners (pcs)
  2. Number of highlights (pcs/year)

Carbon wisdom

  1. Carbon footprint calculated (YES/NO)
  2. Sources of emissions identified (YES/NO)
  3. Annual reduction in carbon footprint (%)


  1. Green transition at TAI
  2. TAI’s Sustainable Development Goals
  3. TAI’s sustainable actions
  4. Carbon wisdom
  5. Circular economy
  6. Sustainable development in teaching and student engagement
  7. Monitoring of sustainable development at TAI