Englannin jatkokurssi haastatteli koulumme henkilökuntaa: opettaja

An Interview with Our English Teacher, Päivi Riihelä

We interviewed our teacher Päivi Riihelä and we asked a few questions about her past life and her working life.

She plays Pokemon Go with her five-year-old son and she follows blogs. Päivi also said that if she had more free time, she would like to learn new languages.

Päivi is a language teacher and she teaches English, Swedish and Italian.

She holds a Master’s degree in Arts.

Before going to university she studied Foreign Trade in a Commercial college.

She grew up in the countryside with her brothers. Päivi says she was a nice teenager and she wasn’t really interested in school but later she realized that it’s important to study.

She said that her dream job as a teenager was to be a travel guide or a flight attendant.

In Päivi’s opinion the positive sides about her job are her students, colleagues, and that she can teach subjects that she likes.

The negative sides about her work are the early mornings, when she worries about work-related problems at home, and when she has to give grades to the students.

She uses English when she teaches her students and when she has foreign visitors.

Her piece of advice to our students: Never give up, everything that happens in life has a meaning if you want to find out what it is.

Her plans for the summer are to clean her home, to read, and meet her friends and family.

Englannin jatkokurssi haastatteli koulumme henkilökuntaa: oppilaanohjaaja

An Interview with Our Student Counselor, Kirsi Jarkia

Kirsi is one of our student counselors and she has worked in Rieskalähde for six years. Before she started to work as a teacher she worked on a cruise ship.

Her hobbies include gardening and doing handicrafts.

She has studied to be a physical education instructor and a teacher but currently she works as a student counselor. Kirsi has also studied catering business.

As a teenager she was very good in school and liked to go there. She also enjoyed being with her friends. At first she wanted to become a lawyer but later on she realized that it wasn´t her dream job. In high school she used to organize schools events.

We asked her what the best thing about being a teacher is and she answered that the students are the best part of her work. The worst thing is that she might sometimes be very strict when the students don´t do as she asks them to.

Kirsi doesn´t get to use English at all at work. However, she can speak English. She can also speak fluent Swedish, and she knows some German and French.

Englannin jatkokurssi haastatteli koulumme henkilökuntaa: kokki

An Interview with Our Head Chef, Kari Kaivola.

-interviewer: What is your name?

-Kari: My name is Kari Kaivola.

-interviewer: Do you have hobbies, and if so, what kind of hobbies?

-Kari: Yes. I do fishing, I like to go to our summer cottage, and I train my daughter’s dogs.

-interviewer: What is your occupation?

-Kari: Well, I’m a chef and I make food

-interviewer: What’s your educational background?

-Kari: I went to school in Rieskalähde and after it I studied catering.

-interviewer: What were you like as a teenager.

-Kari: When I was a teenager we didn’t have mobile phones. I lived in the countryside with my family. We had to have our own mopeds to get around, even to school. What comes to English we had a contest with my friends; the one who got the best grade won. It helped me with learning English.

-interviewer: What was your dream job as a teenager?

-Kari: My dream job had something to do with fishing, like being a fishing assistant.

-interviewer: What are the three positive sides of your work? What about negative sides?

-Kari: Well, I like to work with my customers (=students), I get to advice the students how to behave well, and I get off work the same time as students do. The negative sides are that this job isn’t that “cool” in summer when it’s hot, we also make really big quantities of food, and our salary is low. We don’t get paid like the famous chefs do.

-interviewer: Do you ever use English at work?

-Kari: Yes, I do. Usually with our customers and in free time.

-interviewer: Could you give a piece of advice to our students?

-Kari: Sure. Study hard, especially languages.

-interviewer: What are your plans for the summer?

-Kari: My summer plans are to train my daughter’s dogs, go to Norway and, of course, I’m going to fish a lot.

Englannin jatkokurssi haastatteli koulumme henkilökuntaa: kuraattori

An Interview with Our School Social Worker,  Kaarina  Jaakkola

What are your hobbies?

  • Reading, gardening and solving crosswords.

What is your job?

  • I´m a school social worker.

What is your educational background?

  • I hold a Master´s Degree in Political Science and Social Work.

What kind of person were you when you were a teen?

  • I don´t remember, it´s so long time ago. Maybe the same as now.

What was you dream job when you were a teen?

  • I didn´t have a dream job after school. First I worked as a librarian, but then I decided to study in university. I studied Social Politics and Political Science and at some point I thought that it would be interesting to work as a school social worker. So that´s how I became a school social worker.

Name three positive and three negative sides about your job.

  • I´ll start with the negative ones. I have three schools to work at and a lot of student´s to help so it´s hard to find time for every student. Also, the holidays could be a little bit longer and the salary could be a little bit better.
  • The positive sides are that it´s nice to work with children and teens, and I have nice workmates.

How much English do you use at work?

  • Not that much. Very seldom. I try to start by speaking English but, usually, if we aren´t able to communicate in Finnish with my clients we get a translator.

What kind of advice would you give to our students?

  • Take care of your health, don´t give up on your studies, do your homework regularly and have fun, too.

What are your plans for the summer holiday?

  • I will go to my cottage and do some gardening.

Englannin jatkokurssi haastatteli koulumme henkilökuntaa: rehtori

An Interview with Our Principal

Q: What’s your name?

A: Arto Jokinen.

Q: Do you have any hobbies?

A: Many. I go to the gym many times a week. I read books, literature is of special interest to me. And of course I’m interested in culture. I can play all kinds of instruments.

Q: What’s your profession?

A: I’m a principal.

Q: What did you study to become a principal?

A: First I worked as a history teacher for ten years. Then in order to be able to work as a principal I completed a Certificate in Educational Administration and specialized in Management.

Q: What were you like as a teenager?

A: I was good at running because I was fast. I also did my best at school.

Q: What was your dream job as a teenager?

A: First I thought that I would become a lawyer. Someone said that I could be a good writer. But then I somehow drifted into teaching.

Q: Name three positive and negative things about your job?

A: One positive thing is that I can be with you, the students. Secondly, I can also be with the teachers, to be part of their life. The third thing is, absolutely, that I can develop teaching, this school, and the whole civilization.

A: The negative things are that you have to be quiet about many things, sometimes you can have many things to do at the same time, and the workdays can get very long.

Q: Do you use English in your work?

A: Always when it’s possible. For example, when we get international visitors.

Q: Can you give some advice to our students concerning studies, life?

A: Always do your job as well as you can.

Q: What are your plans for the summer?

A: I have to work until Midsummer Day, and then I start my vacation.

Englannin jatkokurssi haastatteli koulumme henkilökuntaa: koulupsykologi

An Interview with Our School Psychologist

1. Q: What is your name? M: ”Marika Fagerström”

2. Q: What are your hobbies? M: ”I exercise.”

3. Q: What is your profession? M: “I´m a school psychologist.”

4. Q: What have you studied? M: “I have gone to comprehensive school, high school and university.”

5. Q: What were you like when you were a teenager? M: “I was a good girl, nice and conscientious.”

6. Q: What was your dream job as a teenager?
M: “My dream job was to be a translator.”

7. Q: Name three positive things and three negative things in your job. M: “Positive things are that I get to work with children and youngsters, I like the schools I work in and I think that psychology and science are interesting. Negative things are the lack of resources, that I have to do everything alone and that I work in so many schools.”

8. Q: How much do you use English in your job? M: “Very little.”

9. Q: What advice would you give to our students? M: “Trust yourself, don´t be afraid to stand out from the crowd and don´t care what other people think about you.”

10. Q: Do you have any summer plans? M: “Yes I do. I am going to go sailing with my family.”

Englannin jatkokurssi haastatteli koulumme henkilökuntaa: terveydenhoitaja

An Interview with Our School
Nurse Annina Julin
What is your educational background? How did you
become a nurse?

– After comprehensive school I went to high school.
Then I studied four years at Turku University of
Applied Sciences. I have a bachelor’s degree in Nurs-
What was your childhood like?

– I’m not originally from Turku, I’m from Kotka. I had a
normal childhood, I can’t say anything special about it.
I have a dad, mom and a sister, nothing terribly unusual.
– It was different, when I was young I had strict limits at
home but when I grew up I got to decide more about my
own things like how I spent my money.
What was your dream job as a teenager? Did you
have anything else on your mind?

– I thought that I would become a PE teacher. I also
thought about studying in middle school. When I
attended the entrance exam I noted that it wasn’ t my
thing so I chose to become a nurse.

What are the positive and negative sides in
your job?
– There are mostly positive sides. I really like this job
and receiving students. You can regulate yourself
what and when you do something. The job is also vari-
able. Every day is different. There is always some-
thing new. I can’t really say anything bad.


Do you travel a lot?

– I don’t travel a lot but I have been to Bulgaria, Croatia,
Austria, France, Italy, Sweden, and Estonia. I like to
travel and I try to make a journey at least once a year.

What about your hobbies? 

– I go jogging and I go to gym, too. I ’ m not a memeber
of any sports club, I only cultivate myself.


Miska & Pei

Matematiikkaluokka Koneteknologiakeskuksessa

Matemattiikkaluokka 7M kävi  perjantaina 12.5.2017 tutustumassa Koneteknologiakeskukseen. Vierailu alkoi tarjoilulla ja teknologiateollisuuden esittelyllä. Tämän jälkeen oppilaat kiersivät pienissä ryhmissä eri rasteilla. Oppilaat tutustuivat mm. 3d tulostukseen, laserleikkaukeen, robotiikkaan, pneumatiikkaan ja virtuaalimaailmaan. Lopuksi pidettiin Kahootin kautta leikkimielinen kisailu opituista asioista.

Varsin onnistunut vierailu. Koulusta mukana opettajat Rantanen ja Lahtinen.

Sata kuvaa Suomesta! Valokuvakilpailu Rieskalähteen koulun oppilaille

Millainen on Sinun Suomesi, joka täyttää tänä vuonna 100 vuotta?


Rieskalähteen koulun vanhempainyhdistys järjestää Suomi 100 -juhlavuoden teemalla valokuvakilpailun kaikille koulun oppilaille.


Kilpailussa on kolme eri sarjaa:


1) Minun Suomeni luonto (esim. maisema, eläimet)

2) Minun Suomeni ihmiset (esim. perhe, kaverit)

3) Minun Suomeni aika (esim. historia, tulevaisuus)


Kuvan voi ottaa millä tahansa kameralla, vaikka kännykällä.


Kuvauspäivän tulee olla 1.1. – 31.7.2017 välisenä aikana.

Kilpailun mainos

Kilpailun säännöt


Elämyspolkuvierailu Turun Tuomiokirkkoon

Seitsemäsluokkalaiset kävivät viikolla 14 opastetuilla historian Elämyspolkuvierailuilla Turun Tuomiokirkossa. Kirkko on täynnä Turun historiaa 1200-luvulta lähtien. Kävelimme kirjaimellisesti luiden päällä, sillä kirkon lattian alle arvioidaan haudatun noin 4500 vainajaa. Esillä oli myös reformation juhlavuosi. Kiitosta tuli kaikille luokille erinomaisestä käytöksestä. Kiitos myös Tuomiokirkon oppaille osaavista ja mielenkiintoisista opastuksista!

Historian opettajat